The First Culture Conversation


1 meeting per month, 1 question on culture

You are invited to the first in the series of Culture Conversations, which will take place in virtual space on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, at 3 pm CET.

This 45-minutes session will be dedicated to the question:


Together we will think about, make sense of and reflect on:

  • what theory tells us about organizational culture;

  • what the experiences with organizational culture are in practice;

  • who is responsible for co-creating organizational culture;

  • practical examples of managing and changing the organizational culture.

Welcome anyone, who:

  • is interested in the topic of organizational culture;

  • is an owner, leader, project manager, team leader faced with the practical impact of culture on the day-to-day functioning of your organization;

  • wants to build or upgrade a culture of purpose and care;

  • is interested in talking with culturally like-minded people.

First culture challenge: if you join us, bring a symbol (object, picture, concrete description) that best represents your organizational culture to you personally (if you don't have a symbol for your organizational culture, prepare a symbol that represents organizational culture in general or the organizational culture of a company / organization which inspires you).




1 meeting a month, 1 question on culture

We're pleased to announce a monthly series of Culture Conversations - by which we mean organisational culture, of course. We're delighted to see our years of experience about the importance of culture backed up by data. At the same time, we believe that it is organisational culture that will - or will not - support changes in the way companies and organisations operate in a more sustainable, inclusive and collaborative way. But not just any culture - we believe this role belongs to the culture of purpose and care, as we describe in the 'Community Shapers Playbook: A toolbox for developing a better future'. In the book, we laid the foundations for the role of the culture architect - a role that builds, enhances, makes sense of and spreads a culture of purpose and care.

Together with you, we want to think about, make sense of and reflect on what the role of the Culture Architect is, who it is, how they work in practice, what their competencies are and what their mandate is.

With this in mind, we invite you to participate in our Culture Conversations, where once a month for 45 minutes we will focus on a question related to organisational culture and Culture Architects.

Welcome everyone, who:

  • is interested in the topic of organizational culture;

  • is an owner, leader, project manager, team leader faced with the practical impact of culture on the day-to-day functioning of your organization;

  • wants to build or upgrade a culture of purpose and care;

  • is interested in talking with culturally like-minded people.

We look forward to our Culture Conversations!